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A group of neighbors at a cookout Charm your neighboring companions with some practical wisdom about being neighborly.
To have great neighbors, one must first strive to be one. By mastering these seven techniques, even you (yes, you!) can earn the admiration of your entire neighborhood.

1. Good neighbors offer treats

Whether you're the new kid on the block or have lost touch, delivering a batch of freshly baked goodies is an excellent way to reconnect and show your neighbors you care.
If cookies can keep Santa coming back every year with a sack full of gifts, they can certainly help you earn your neighbors' favor. Imagine this scenario:
“Dear, someone is burglarizing the neighbor’s house again.”
“Hold on, Janet. The ones who brought cookies yesterday?”
“That's right. I think it's time to call the police.”

2. Good neighbors avoid gossip

If you find your neighbor always knows everyone's secrets within a couple of blocks, they're probably keeping an eye on your personal life too.
The next time your neighbor eagerly describes what the Rickenbackers discarded, divert the conversation back to her. "So, what plants are you growing in your garden this year?"
You're not in high school anymore, so maintain healthy relationships with your neighbors and steer clear of unnecessary gossip.

3. Good neighbors exchange contact information

In this digital age, it's strange if you don't have your neighbors' phone numbers. After all, what if they accidentally receive your mail? What if your house floods while you're away? Or worse, what if you need an emergency babysitter?
If you're hesitant to ask, do it during one of your treat deliveries (you are following the first rule, aren’t you?) or just before a vacation. Write down your name, number, and email address, and ask if your neighbor is comfortable sharing theirs.

4. Good neighbors offer help without being asked

The neighbor who says, "Let me know if you need anything," is unlikely to assist when you actually need help. But you, being the perfect neighbor you are, genuinely want to lend a hand.
To avoid pointless chatter, anticipate their needs. If they have children and you're okay with babysitting, let them know upfront. If they're struggling to mow the lawn in extreme heat, ask when it's best to come over with your lawnmower.

5. Good neighbors keep their homes clean

Even if you don't mind a little mess, respect your neighbors' preferences and tidy up.
Limit the quirky lawn decorations. Keep your trash bins out of sight, in the side yard or garage.
After gardening or landscaping, put away your tools and leftover supplies. Rake the leaves, clean up grass clippings - all those chores your dad used to nag about.
If possible, pressure wash and paint your house regularly.

6. Good neighbors maintain their lawns

A messy, overgrown lawn can be an eyesore for your neighbors, and it should be for you too. Regular mowing is a good start, but more is needed to truly impress your neighbors.
Regularly trim the edge of your lawn, fertilize timely, and keep weeds under control. Keep your foundation plantings clean, trimmed, and topped with mulch.
If your neighborhood permits, consider a no-lawn approach by planting low-maintenance, drought-resistant ground covers. Be mindful not to overuse the sprinklers, especially when it's raining.

7. Good neighbors communicate effectively

The old saying "good fences make good neighbors" is popular for a reason. A good neighbor respects boundaries. However, those boundaries should be crossed when the fences themselves start falling apart.
Even if it's their fence, you might not be pleased with the poor repairs and resulting resentment when they finally fix it.
Discuss shared interests like fences, drainage ditches, and troublesome trees in advance, so you can agree on a plan that suits both parties.
And remember, don't forget to bring cookies.
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